As per the South African Police website, the following hints and tips may assist safeguarding you against sexual offences:
Sexual offences involve sex without consent, unwanted sexual touching, or being forced to engage in humiliating sexual activity.
Sexual offences involve sex without consent, unwanted sexual touching, or being forced to engage in humiliating sexual activity.
Vulnerability increases -
- in dark and deserted places at night;
- if you look vulnerable (e.g. walking alone in desolate areas);
- if you appear uncertain, for example if you do not know
- where you are going;
- if you do not lock your car doors and close your windows;
- if you talk to strangers;
- if you stop for stranded vehicles or people; or
- if your vehicle is faulty and you have to stop for help.
- Be aware of your surroundings.
- Be alert at traffic lights and stop streets.
- Walk close to the curb and face the on-coming traffic.
- Try and keep to well-lit areas or where there are people.
- Do not hitch-hike.
- Do not pick up hitch-hikers.
- Keep a whistle with you - and blow it if you need help.
At home
- Do not allow a stranger into your home - even if he is delivering something or providing a service.
- Ask for an identity document or phone his/her office to check his/her identity.
- Invest in the best locks and security you can afford.
- Never tell anyone that you are alone at home - and make sure the children also know not do so.
- Know your neighbours - and together plan ahead for how you will respond in a crisis.
- Know your local police station - and discuss safety matters with the police.
- Become involved with local crime prevention efforts with the community police forum or police.
On a date
- Do not allow anyone to touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable
- be firm and clear and say NO!
- Do not leave a party or social event with someone you do not know or have just met - say NO!
- Ask friends for help if someone ignores you when you say NO!
- Remember: most rape victims know the rapist.
- You have the right to say NO!
Reviewed by Hash

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